What LogistiCare is responsible forDescribes our responsibilities for members and how they can request transport
What to expect from your transportation providerThe service you should get from the driver
Member responsibilities and conductWhat is expected of you
Determining the correct type of transportationUtilization review of all requests and determining the appropriate type of transportation
Need a ride to a medical appointment?The phone number and website to contact if you need a ride and have no other means of transport.
Need a Medicaid Ride (Haitian Creole)?A brief description for members about getting rides, in Haitian Creole.
Need a Medicaid Ride (Portuguese)?A brief description for members about getting rides, in Portuguese.
Need a Medicaid Ride (Russian)?A brief description for members about getting rides, in Russian.
Need a Medicaid Ride (Spanish)?A brief description for members about getting rides, in Spanish.
Overview of ADA paratransit servicesADA paratransit service is managed by RIPTA not LGTC
Mileage Reimbursement LogMileage Reimbursement Log
Mileage Reimbursement InstructionsMileage Reimbursement Instructions

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